
They're interesting, the links.

Now we're stylin'

June 30, 2023

Smol update today. Mike and I hung out (virtually) for a lot of the evening which was fun. Plottin', talkin', shootin' the shit. You know - brother stuff. We were originally going to hang in-person like we normally do, but due to cat logistics and me not wanting to drive after a long few weeks of road tripping we decided to do it remotely.

While discussing our grand plans Mike brought up that in this new iteration we had left out the themeing features that we liked so much. Our (rightfully so) ditched v-1 of Friendscape had some styled components aspects to it so we've decided to factor it back in. Thankfully we're early on and we've put some thought into reusability so it'll be a fairly easy integration.

I make this look good

Next time I dig into the code I'll keep migrating the components. I need to spend some time to learn about how to best integrate them into nextjs - for now it seems like they can only be used in client components, not server components. Ultimately it'll let you make Friendscape either look super dope or ugly as hell and that's awesome. Have a good weekend everybody.