
They're interesting, the links.

Subnet Exploration

July 16, 2023

Got some updates in here from 7/14 I just never deployed so it's a biggun. You can check out the newly deployed site with subnet exploration here.


  • Adjusted remove bookmark UI - the properties panel on threads already had a bookmark button on it, now it toggles between bookmarking & removing a bookmark.
  • Added styles to text inputs. I like it a lot.
I like it a lot
  • Added manage users & manage mods screens to subnet admin. Simple for now, need to add pagination for larger data sets.
  • Added new post button on a subnet's landing page
  • Also made that bad boy sticky
  • Got the first version of a clickable sunburst-type subnet exploration
  • Begun to set up the system to load into the queries direct from a URL. This will be useful when users want to share queries.
  • Set up a deeper exploration experience. A tiny jank for now since the BISAC data is a big JSON file but when I set up the real DB it'll be easier to organize.
  • Create subnet screen laid out

New Actions

  • banUserfromGroup
  • newThread
  • createSubnet